
Sava IntelligenceLithium battery automation equipment manufacturer

Service Hotline1345176074818912673551

Contact Sava intelligence


Thank you for your trust in Savar intelligent, which focuses on the customized production service of lithium battery automatic production equipment and automatic production line. It is widely involved in more than ten fields such as lithium battery and new energy vehicle, and provides customized service for lithium battery production and application equipment and production line. When you enter this page, you have become our distinguished guest! We will serve you wholeheartedly. You can contact us through the following ways!


  • Service hotline:0512-36839108
  • Contact mobile phone:13451760748/18912673551
  • Company fax:0512-36839108
  • Company email:mark.huang@sawatech.com.cn
  • Company address:江苏省昆山市张浦镇亲和路811号